The Revenant

The RevenantThe Revenant

(n. One who has returned, as if from the dead.)

20152 h 37 min

In the 1820s, a frontiersman, Hugh Glass, sets out on a path of vengeance against those who left him for dead after a bear mauling.

Title The Revenant
Release Date 25 December 2015
Country  Canada Hong Kong Taiwan United States of America
Runtime 2 h 37 min
Budget $135,000,000
Movie Media
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Very good
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My Opinion : Unforgiving in its historically accurate cold blooded account on a man who barely grasps the shell of his own life fading into the snow like flakes of a freezing winter. The Revenant’s solidified performances and cold burn topped off with near revolutionary cinematography is a cinematic achievement that does feel long at times but never frustratingly so to become dull.

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